This movie turned the old-fashion Romeo and Juliet play into a modern film not just by making the setting into this-time condition but also change the prop used such as sword to guns or even horse to car, etc.Īs we can clearly see that the costumes at the party play significant role in how describing the real characteristic and personality of the character. In this story Benvolio and Mercutio in this story is like the spark of problem and at the same time as a friend of Romeo, I mean, if somehow Mercutio wasn’t even there in that play then it’s possible for Romeo and Juliet have a very good ending indeed because he won’t curse the Families, but as we can see the purpose of these two man is to add the taste of “how this world not as kind as we imagine to be.” But above all, they were a good friend of Romeo. This movie turned the original Shakespeare’s play into a new-modern like romance film. It’ll sweep you off you’re feet, make you laugh, make you cry, and make you fall in love.” Overall, if you’re a Shakespeare fan, a fan of romantic movies, a fan of tragic movies, or a fan of artistic movies then make sure to look into this one. Both families you’ll also notice are rich, which also follows the script accurately. There’s other things you’ll notice at the party also, like Tybalt wears devil horns(i.e. So to explain this form of symbolics, for those who aren’t getting it, it’s Romeo is the “knight in shinning armor,” Juliet is the angel of Romeo’s dreams, and Romeo’s best friend is the comic relief. Romeo’s best friend (and I wish I could spell his name but I’d rather not butcher it) dresses up as a women. Juliet wears angel wings and Romeo wears a knight outfit. One great part I absolutely love is the party. In either case each family wears a certain kind of clothing that makes it easy to tell who’s who. The Capulets dress more like mobsters or thugs even though both sides could be viewed as thugs in some sort or another. The Montegues always wear a Hawaiian style shirt. If you look at the guns you’ll notice that some say sword, some say rapier, and I believe some say dagger.

The symbolism is also used very well throughout the movie. The movie follows the original script very accurately. Danes does a great job playing the flirty Juliet. Soon after that we are introduced to Juliet who is played by the beautiful Claire Danes, someone I haven’t seen in too many movies. Leo does a great job as Romeo, but that’s because Leo is a good actor in this film. The Prince forewarns them that if they ever disturb the peace again their “lives will pay the forfeit of the peace.” We are then introduced to the character Romeo who is played by Leonardo DeCaprio. The movie kicks off with a street brawl between the Montegues and Capulets. This one however, kept my attention and seemed to do a great job with modernizing the whole quarreling families thing. “I’m a sucker for William Shakespeare even though I like it done better in the theatre. Tybalt’s red devil horn : fighter, brave, villain, antagonist. Juliet’s angel-like white costume: pure, good, calm, very feminine. Romeo’s knight-like costume made us think that he was brave, strong, but still classic. Benvolio is the person who Romeo can talk to ( so that the audience would be able to understand what Romeo felt) and he was the one who said to Romeo to look at other beauties (when he was still in love with Rosaline). Mercutio’s role was to curse the 2 houses so that the story would go as planned. Eventhough the movie used the boring old English it succeeded in keeping my attention, because of the cool modern actors, actresses and supporting properties (cars, clothes, places,etc.) and modern scenes like the fights.